Get to Know Natalija

Clinical herbalist, Reiki master & teacher, Plant medicine educator, Yoga teacher, and Private ceremony & journey facilitator.

Natalija has been in health and wellness since 1991 when she started her own healing journey.  At age 18 she was overweight, depressed and far from connected to the divine gift of Spirituality.  As she began the necessary steps towards healing, she quickly realized how empowering it was to take your overall health into your very own hands. 

In the early 2000, a series of life changing events created an opportunity of necessary reflection and growth. All starting with her introduction to Reiki and Spiritual practices. These healing modalities, including a deep dive into the study of yoga and meditation ignited the spark into Natalija healing journey.

"I'm always in deep gratitude with my life events as they are some of the best teachers for growth"  -Natalija 

​In 2008 she started her Holistic HealthCare degree which included Western Herbalist program with JoAnn Sanchez, Yoga teacher training and Nutritional coaching.  

Natalija has a passion for teaching others how too deeply connect to the self through our environment & nature. Learning from our individual unique reflections of the outside world helps guides us into the inner workings of our internal world. This is where the magic happens, where long term healing occurs.

“One of my biggest passions is to remind people that our connection to nature holds the healing we seek. This can be in the form of growing your own garden, sitting with plants in their natural habitat, slowing down to make a cup of tea or other respectful consumptions of plant medicines. All while remembering that we are stewards to their wellbeing as well. ” -Natalija

Natalija’s modalties include:

Clinical Herbalist, Yoga & Meditation, Reiki Master/Teacher, Ceremony in Sisterhood & Wombens empowerment, Nutritional support, Herbal Medicine educator and Herbal medicine maker.

Natalija’s specialties include:


Various autoimmune issues: asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, MS, food allergies (celiacs), chronic allergies, Raynaud’s syndrome, Hashimoto’s, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis,

As well as: insomnia, nervous ticks & twitching, menopausal, headaches/migraines, cognitive issue & memory, digestive complaints, valley fever, EBV, long term CoViD, COPD, HHT, cancer care, thyroid & adrenal support, Children’s Health, Woman’s Health and recovery from long term illness & surgeries, establishing positive body talk & our ability to listen to the feelings & sensations as messages rather then aliments.


anxiety, grief, nervousness, overwhelmed, stressed; navigating & listening to the messages within emotions, learning how our emotional body effects everyday life.

Spiritual & Ancestral:

Connecting to your Spirit self, tapping into your gifts, healing deep seated wounds, ancestral connection & healing, developing intuition & connection to your guides.

Let’s find a path back to wholeness.