An Herbal Consult is the accumulation of historical and modern day herbal medicines. In this more Holistic approach to healthcare we utilize modalities that help unify the mind body spirit while reconnect our connection to the healing power of nature. Within each private session we dive deep into the root cause of the ailments you are experiencing, creating an opportunity for lasting and permit healing.

Together we will come up with a protocol that leads you back to health and vitality.

Custom herbal formulas can include - Herbal Tonic Extract, Healing Teas & Powders, Yoni Steams, etc.

To learn more about Natalija specialties click here: Natalija Specialties

Initial session is $180* for 1.5-2 hours and are done remotely. *no products are included

Herbal Consultation

Your follow-up appointment is to check in on the current ‘issues’ discussed in the initial intake. I suggest follow-ups at 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months which allow for accountability, extra support to meet your goals, and adjustments to customized formulas as needed.

Follow ups are $45/30min and are done remotely

Herbal Consultation Follow Up

Reiki Energy Work

Chakra Clearing & Balancing

Natalija’s Reiki sessions co-create a safe space for the mind, body, and spirit to awaken. This sets in motion the opportunity for deep healing, transformation, and release. It’s a space where we tap into the innate wisdom of your whole self, your divine truth, and start to unravel the tangled roots of imbalance, dis’ease’ and self sabotage.

Reiki has been shown to relax tension, ease pain, reduce stress, and offer a state of peace. In this state you begin to unfold traumas and illnesses from the tissues of the body, quiet the mind to hear insight and messages within the mind, body, and spirit, connect to your fundamental needs and truths, and relax deeply within the present moment. Each intuitively guided session is unique and typically includes: chakra clearing and balancing, crystal, sound and aroma therapies, clearing of the energy field, cord releasing and ancestral healing, intuitive guidance is shared at the end of each session.

Each private session is $95/hr (can be done in person or remote)

To learn more about Natalija’s specialties click here: Natalija's Specialties

Ceremony is the part of daily life where we authentically step into our Divine purpose. It is how we show up .. how we heal .. how we draw on our Spirituality to live in our Truth. In these private sessions we co-create a ceremony that welcomes you to find your Divine inner truths, desires and gifts. Here we can connect to YOUR unique medicines; spirit guides; ancestors.

each private session is $95/hr (can be done in person or remote)

To learn more about Natalija’s specialties click here: Natalija's Specialties

Private Ceremonies


“I am soul grateful to have found Natalija in this life! If you are searching for a sacred master of the Divine, look no further than Natalija. Her 18+ years of experience as a Reiki practitioner and her expertise in clinical herbalism make her a true beacon of healing and wisdom. Whether you seek her guidance in classes or individually, Natalija will undoubtedly guide you on a transformative journey toward self-discovery, healing, and spiritual growth. Embrace the opportunity to work with this extraordinary Being of Light and allow The Divine energy to flow through you, awakening your true potential.”

-Alex LeBlanc (He/They)

Natalija has a calming, wise woman presence and I felt comfortable talking to her about absolutely everything that is going on with my body, mind, and spirit. She helped me create a blend that would not only help my physical body, but also hold me in my grief after losing my father in February. I really appreciate the way Natalija encouraged me to not just focus on what’s going on in my body, but to take into account what’s going on in my mind and spirit, too. This holistic approach has been extremely supportive to me at this time. Natalija is happy to share her extensive herbal knowledge with you, & I walked away from our session empowered with new insights, techniques, & approaches to herbalism. I felt seen, heard, empowered, held, & excited about all that I had learned! If you are looking for an herbalist to help you on your human journey, look no further than my dear friend Natalija. You will be so grateful you made this investment in yourself & your healing—I know I am.


“ There are few people in this practice, existence, planet, that have the skillset AND the genuine empathy that Natalijia holds in her practice. Her reiki offerings, herbal knowledge and teachings, lovingly guided me through the most painful, transformative, and uncertain time in my life. Practitioners of her integrity are few and far between. I highly recommend her services to guide you through any discord you may be experiencing.”


My first meeting with Nataljia was via FaceTime. We discussed my health history at length and the discussion prompted me to identify some long existing, mildly to moderately nagging maladies and their potential origins in grief, energetic blockages and trauma. I had an emotional release, just talking with her; she met me with compassion, non-judgement and so, so much knowledge. She provided some formulas, protocols, and recommendations, and took into consideration my financial needs when writing them up. The protocols broke down each plant ingredient, properties and benefits, which I found to be tremendously helpful. Shorter, follow up, check-ins are done conveniently in the same manner, via phone or video chat. Over the last few months, as I am beginning to heal, I am experiencing an awakening. As tissues open & release, more awareness and deeper understanding follows. I did not expect the therapy I’m receiving through this process of communion with plants that Nataljia has wisely facilitated. It’s been and continues to be an unpacking and unraveling of long-lived tightness, fear and ego. Nataljia is a thoughtful, wise, approachable, and supportive healer. If you’re feeling called toward plants, or even if you aren’t but you have an openness, you would be well guided and supported by Nataljia.
